Our How

Herbal Gerbil Tea 

Herbal Gerbil Tea is a for-profit business with a non-profit mission to help rural schools get better tools, technology, programing, teachers, quality of education, etc. I sell tea as a vehicle for change in the world. It isn't about the tea, though it is delicious. The focus is on supporting an underdog that often goes unnoticed. Rural communities are vital in our country’s education system. Throughout the world there are many children in rural areas that need quality education. For now, we will start close to home. Rural areas may be small and simple, but they are significant.


Rural Schools are Significant

“In 2010–11, more than half of all operating regular school districts were located in rural areas (57 percent), while 20 percent of districts were located in suburban areas, 18 percent in towns, and 5 percent in cities,” reported the National Center for Education Statistics. This information was collected about 10 years ago, however, rural communities do not tend to fluctuate drastically from year to year. There is a good chance these numbers are still relatively the same.

The pandemic has been chasing city folk into the woods for a safe haven, meaning these numbers may rise for rural school districts in future reports. It is difficult to find more research and actual numbers on these rural education systems, clearly a sign there needs to be more attention given to them. Herbal Gerbil Tea aims to support and highlight these precious communities that fuel the food on our tables and the tea in our mugs.


Purchase with a Purpose

Did I hear teatime? Herbal tea is the vehicle I use to support rural communities. Did you know that after water, tea is the most consumed beverage across the world?  Tea is one of the most versatile drinks out there: tea latte, iced tea, hot tea, boba tea, etc. What can't you do with tea?  Yes, it is teatime! A new kind of teatime presents a purchase with a purpose. No more meaningless spending. Now you have a reason to feel comforted knowing your hard-earned money is going toward an important cause. 


 Committed to You and Rural Communities

With this “how” comes responsibility and integrity. I will keep you updated on what we are specifically gathering funding for at the time, how much we need to raise, and where the money is going. Along with a follow up on presenting this collective gift to the school we are supporting. I want you to be as closely involved with Herbal Gerbil Tea reaching out to these communities as possible. Someday I would love local contributors to join me in presenting the collective gift when schools are fully operating again! I will do my best to try and create a seemingly tangible experience for each of you.

My heart goes out to you and rural schools, a warm cup for a warm heart can ensure some more kindness and change in this world. Let’s sip up, it’s teatime! Truly, I love and try to live the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Be the change you what to see in the world.” Thank you for doing the same!

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